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17 June 2007
The electronic diary that allows to store in it the information on each training (the duration, the executed exercises, quantity of approaches, and as the anthopometrical data and weight) is realized, that allows to trace your successes and to choose for itself an optimum variant of trainings.

10 May 2007
The new version of the program has left BoDyRON 3.5 The menu of "Exercise" with illustrations and descriptions has appeared Correct performance of exercises. The Russian-speaking interface is realized.

6 May 2007
Definition of a biorhythm of the person due to which you can define favorable and adverse days for trainings is added.

Computer the program - adviser, as for beginning, and skilled bodybuilders. Calculates consumption of necessary quantity of kcals, defines individual structure of a muscular fibre, a hypodermic fatty layer, calculates a harmonicity
of a constitution, creation of an electronic diary, definition of a biorhythm, etc.

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Last version of the program: 983 kb.                                                                               


The description of the computer program for bodybuilding "Bodyron 4.0"

The computer program for bodybuilding " Bodyron 4.0" is guided not only on people, professionally engaged in bodybuilding, but also beginning bodybuilders which do not know as to start to be engaged in bodybuilding or came into impasse, this program will help them to leave from it. The usual user can use the program for definition of a status, a harmonicity, development of the organism. The program is constantly improved, and it is far from being all opportunities which the program will have in the future.


ATTENTION!!! The basic functions of the program will be accessible, only after registration of the program!!!


All that is necessary for the newbie in bodybuilding

In our information time, it is possible to find a great lot of the information on ways of escalating of muscular weight, ways of growing thin and about much the friend. Having seen mountains of clauses and materials on the given theme, you will be set by various questions. What is the intensity and the high-intensity program of trainings?
How many once a week to train: two, three or all seven? How many kcals to you are necessary to use in days of trainings? How correctly to carry out this or that exercise? What type of your muscular fibres? And hundreds more similar questions. The moments at the initial stage of a way, how correctly you apprehend all this information will be important. Given clauses will help you to answer a part of your questions and will help you to proceed to higher level.


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