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17 June 2007
The electronic diary that allows to store in it the information on each training (the duration, the executed exercises, quantity of approaches, and as the anthopometrical data and weight) is realized, that allows to trace your successes and to choose for itself an optimum variant of trainings.

10 May 2007
The new version of the program has left BoDyRON 3.5 The menu of "Exercise" with illustrations and descriptions has appeared Correct performance of exercises. The Russian-speaking interface is realized.

6 May 2007
Definition of a biorhythm of the person due to which you can define favorable and adverse days for trainings is added.

                        The main window of the program "BODYRON"

System requirements of the program " Bodyron 4.0":

- Pentium (R) 166 MHz and is higher
- Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP
- 32 Mb THE RAM
- 2 Mb free disk space
- The mouse
- The color monitor and the graphic map supporting not less of 65536 colors (it is possible more)

The basic opportunities of the program for bodybuilding
" Bodyron 4.0 "

- The simple intuitive interface
- The menu with the basic base exercises and descriptions of their performance
- An opportunity of definition of a hypodermic fatty layer
- Program calculation of consumption of necessary quantity of kcals in days of trainings, and in days without trainings
- Definition of the maximal weight which you can lift, for the top and bottom part of a body
- Calculation of a harmonicity of a constitution
- The table of nutritiousness of products
- Definition of individual structure of a muscular fibre
- Conducting an electronic diary that allows to store in it the information on each training (duration of the training, the executed exercises, quantity of approaches and as the anthopometrical data and weight of a body).
- Definition of a biorhythm that allows to learn favorable days for trainings
- An opportunity of change скинов
- Support of Russian
- Floppy adjustments

Screenshots of the computer program for bodybuilding Bodyron


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